Software Updates are no longer available for your phone.Then there will be no more software Upgrade using SEUS, we can't use SEUS anymore.
Sony Ericsson Software Update is no longer supported by your phone. Therefore, you can no longer download new software via the Update Service or Remote Update Service.
So if you need to flash your UIQ3 phone caused software problem, you need to use XS++ program or Offline EMMA III or go to service shop to repair it
- XS++ Only Support for M600, P990, P1, and W960
- EMMA II Support All UIQ3 Phone
Follow Tutorial Here:
Flashing UIQ3 Offline [EMMA III]
Best Regrads,
Gan punyaq w960i koq gk kedtek ya ama xs++.Apabeda w960 ma w960i ?
BalasHapusSama gan harusnya kedetek..
BalasHapusCb di ulang2 trs aja gan
Permisi Gan,p1i ane blank,hardware oke,masalahnya sofware,
BalasHapusDi bawa ketukang service pada bilang ga konek/deteksi,
Ada solusi gan?
Gan mao nanya kok w950 ga bisa ma xs++ kenapa ya.. Tapi kalo read gdfs kok bisa??